See you in June at The Katharine at the Cardinal for part four of our year long pub crawl!
Paw Crawl is a collaborative monthly event bringing local Winston Salem bars together in support of helping Forsyth Humane Society reach a 90% save rate of shelter cats and dogs! Each month look for one of our shelter cats or dogs to give a Public Service Announcement as to where we are meeting up! But of course you can find all the details here.
Grab your friends, two and four legged, share and post your brew adventure, we promise by tagging us at the event @forsythhumane and using #savefursyth #fhspawcrawl will pay off <wink wink>
How it Works:
In support of our goal to reach a 90% save rate of shelter pets, we are inviting YOU to join 90% of our Paw Crawl events! For every one you attend, your name goes in the bowl to win prizes at our year end crawl. You can register for the event online and we will check you in the day of OR you can grab a punch pass and get it marked at each of our events.
In support of our goal to reach a 90% save rate of shelter pets, we are inviting YOU to join 90% of our Paw Crawl events! For every one you attend, your name goes in the bowl to win prizes at our year end crawl. You can register for the event online and we will check you in the day of OR you can grab a punch pass and get it marked at each of our events.
Organized By: Forsyth Humane Society
June 16, 2022, 5:00 pm
7:00 pm