Miss Angels Farm Second Annual Hippie Revival Festival!
Last year was such a groovy, far-out, great experience that we’ve decided to make our 2022 Hippie Revival even better! We’ll still have all the peace, love, and wildflower picking from last year, but we’ll also have even more hippie vendors, costume, flower crown, and dance contests, two amazing bands providing us with live Woodstock music, options to camp on the farm, and morning yoga and a peach pancake breakfast! We will also have food and drink available on the farm, our new and improved childrens playground, face-painting and tie-dye, and loads more!
Bring your families, friends, loved ones. Bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs. Bring your best flower crowns and paisleys and peace signs. Bring your best vibes! (But please don’t bring a cooler.)
Get your tickets for our second annual Hippie Revival Festival at our website, https://www.missangelsheavenlypiesinc.com/miss-angels…/.
Saturday admission is $10, overnight camping is $50 per tent (includes yoga), Sunday breakfast and yoga bundle is $15/adults, $12/kids, and breakfast alone is $10.
Organized By: Miss Angels Farm
July 23, 2022, 11:00 am
July 24, 2022, 11:00 am